
6005 Epoksi Primer

It is an epoxy resin based, two-component, solvent-free, epoxy floor primer with a film-forming ability for mineral surfaces. It can be used as primer prior to epoxy based flooring and paint materials.

► Epoxy Resin Based
► Low Viscosity
► Penetration Ability
► Interiors
► On Horizontal Surfaces
► No Solvent

> Ral
> Public Works Pos No:


• It is used primarily as a primer material on cement based screed and concrete surfaces before epoxy flooring. Used indoors, on horizontal surfaces.

• Has low viscosity; easily penetrates the capillary gaps on the surface.
• It provides more durable and gap-free adhesion of epoxy floor coverings to the surface.
• Has high penetration ability.
• Has high adhesion strength.
• Has high mechanical resistance.
• Solvent-free, eco friendly.

a) Surface Preparation:
The sur­fa­ce must be dry, clean, sound and free of dust; oil, dirt or stic­king ma­te­ri­als must be re­mo­ved from the sur­fa­ce; ma­te­ri­als such as mor­tar, ce­ment re­si­du­es sho­uld be sc­ra­ped. Prior to the app­li­ca­ti­on of pri­mer on the sur­fa­ce, sur­fa­ce ab­ra­si­ve equ­ip­ment (Shotb­last, ro­to­ti­ger, etc.) sho­uld be used to form an open po­ro­us st­ruc­tu­re on the top layer of the app­li­ca­ti­on sur­fa­ce. Dus­ting sho­uld be cle­aned with in­dust­ri­al va­cu­um cle­aner. The cor­ro­ded conc­re­te sur­fa­ce sho­uld have a mi­ni­mum comp­res­si­ve st­rength of 25 N/mm2 and a ten­si­le st­rength of 1.5 N/mm2. En­su­re that sur­fa­ce mo­is­tu­re, re­la­ti­ve hu­mi­dity and dew point re­qu­ire­ments are met be­fo­re app­li­ca­ti­on. Ot­he­r­wi­se, the de­si­red per­for­man­ce cri­te­ria from the pro­duct can­not be re­ac­hed as a re­sult of car­bo­na­ti­on re­ac­ti­on on the sur­fa­ce. Mo­is­tu­re con­tent of the sur­fa­ce sho­uld be ma­xi­mum 4%. Re­la­ti­ve hu­mi­dity sho­uld be ma­xi­mum 80%. The dew point sho­uld be above +3°C be­fo­re and after the app­li­ca­ti­on in order to pre­vent the for­ma­ti­on of con­den­sa­ti­on. New conc­re­te st­ruc­tu­res sho­uld be al­lo­wed to dry for a mi­ni­mum of 28 days. Re­pa­ir of sur­fa­ce de­fects with a depth of more than 1 cm sho­uld be done with Lotti Epoxy Re­pa­ir Mor­tar or Lotti Grout Mor­tar 6-8 hours in ad­van­ce.

b) Product Preparation:
6005 Epoksi Primer is pac­ka­ged in su­itab­le qu­an­ti­ti­es in two com­po­nents. Each com­po­nent is first mixed in it­self. Com­po­nent B (Har­de­ner) is added to com­po­nent A (Epoxy resin). It is mixed with 300-400 rpm mixer tip drill for 3-4 mi­nu­tes until a ho­mo­ge­no­us con­sis­tency is ob­ta­ined. The en­ti­re mi­x­tu­re is then taken to a clean con­ta­iner and mixed again. If part of the pro­duct is to be used, these mi­xing ra­ti­os sho­uld be con­si­de­red.

c) Application Method:
Pre­pa­red 6005 Epoksi Primer sho­uld be po­ured onto the sur­fa­ce and app­li­ed with a rol­ler or tro­wel until a se­am­less layer is for­med. Ac­cor­ding to the po­ro­sity of the sur­fa­ce, 2nd coat of 6005 Epoksi Primer sho­uld be app­li­ed. After the pri­mer app­li­ca­ti­on, if the floor app­li­ca­ti­on of Lotti Epoxy Self Le­ve­ling is to be made,blin­ding can be made with qu­artz or si­li­ca sand in di­men­si­ond of 0.5 – 0.7 mm.


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    Lotti Building Chemicals which includes a total of 58 products under three main product categories, it is aimed to make a significant contribution to the process of brandization in Turkey as well as in abroad countries through offering of epoxy and polyurethane systems, ceramic adhesives, joint fillers and maintenance products, and outer façade insulation materials.


    Altıntepe Mh. E. Bagdat Cd. No:19/1 Istanbul/Turkey



